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Follow TCP stream only shows one side of the conversation - why?


I was filtering a TCP conversation with wireshark, and in the packet view I can clearly see requests and responses between two sockets - this is on loopback traffic capture. But when I select "Follow > TCP Stream" I only see the outbound stream (red), not the inbound (blue). I tried multiple times, also with other streams, restarted wireshark.

How do I fix this?

Follow TCP stream only shows one side of the conversation - why?


I was filtering a TCP conversation with wireshark, and in the packet view I can clearly see requests and responses between two sockets - this is on loopback traffic capture. But when I select "Follow > TCP Stream" I only see the outbound stream (red), not the inbound (blue). I tried multiple times, also with other streams, restarted wireshark.

How do I fix this?this? [edit] Here is the recorded TCP conversation. open it with Wireshark, then try for yourself (Using Wireshark 3.6.7 Windows 11 64bit)