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How to convince Wireshark to interpret packets as RDP

I'm trying to debug a custom RDP implementation, but can't make Wireshark display the RDP packets properly. To be sure the issue is not in my captures, i downloaded some examples from

But when i open it, i see no RDP packets. Filter rdp displays nothing, and so does tpkt. When i manually select tcp.port == 3389, i see the connection sequence but all the packets including the first are wrongly displayed as "SSL: Continuation Data" or "TSL: Ignored Unknown Record", even though the first few ones are unencrypted because they contain encryption negotiation.

I tried Analyze -> Decode As, but it does not work. When i add a rule "TCP port | 3389 | Integer, base 10 | (none) | TPKT" and click OK, nothing happens and when i open the Decode As dialog again, my rule is not there.

I also tried manually editing the text file at C:/Users/Youda/AppData/Roaming/Wireshark/decode_as_entries but when i added decode_as_entry: tcp.port,3389,(none),TPKT saved the file and restarted Wireshark, the rule wasn't there either.

To make my intent clear, i'm NOT trying to decrypt the entire RDP traffic, i'm trying to view the first few unencrypted connection initiation packets.

Can anyone help me?

How to convince Wireshark to interpret packets as RDP

I'm trying to debug a custom RDP implementation, but can't make Wireshark display the RDP packets properly. To be sure the issue is not in my captures, i downloaded some examples from

But when i open it, i see no RDP packets. Filter rdp displays nothing, and so does tpkt. When i manually select tcp.port == 3389, i see the connection sequence but all the packets including the first are wrongly displayed as "SSL: Continuation Data" or "TSL: Ignored Unknown Record", even though the first few ones are unencrypted because they contain encryption negotiation.

I tried Analyze -> Decode As, but it does not work. When i add a rule "TCP port | 3389 | Integer, base 10 | (none) | TPKT" and click OK, nothing happens and when i open the Decode As dialog again, my rule is not there.

I also tried manually editing the text file at C:/Users/Youda/AppData/Roaming/Wireshark/decode_as_entries but when i added decode_as_entry: tcp.port,3389,(none),TPKT saved the file and restarted Wireshark, the rule wasn't there either.

To make my intent clear, i'm NOT trying to decrypt the entire RDP traffic, i'm trying to view the first few unencrypted connection initiation packets.

Can anyone help me?

EDIT: I also tried Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> TPKT, and added 3389 to TCP ports field. But after restart the field was reset to default 102. Any other port than 3389 survives the restart, only 3389 gets deleted. And same applies for the Decode As dialog. Is this some kind of anti-RDP conspiracy? Where-ever i enter the port 3389, the setting gets deleted. Is there some hardcoded rule preventing this port from being used in Wireshark?

How to convince Wireshark to interpret packets as RDP

I'm trying to debug a custom RDP implementation, but can't make Wireshark display the RDP packets properly. To be sure the issue is not in my captures, i downloaded some examples from

But when i open it, i see no RDP packets. Filter rdp displays nothing, and so does tpkt. When i manually select tcp.port == 3389, i see the connection sequence but all the packets including the first are wrongly displayed as "SSL: Continuation Data" or "TSL: Ignored Unknown Record", even though the first few ones are unencrypted because they contain encryption negotiation.

I tried Analyze -> Decode As, but it does not work. When i add a rule "TCP port | 3389 | Integer, base 10 | (none) | TPKT" and click OK, nothing happens and when i open the Decode As dialog again, my rule is not there.

I also tried manually editing the text file at C:/Users/Youda/AppData/Roaming/Wireshark/decode_as_entries but when i added decode_as_entry: tcp.port,3389,(none),TPKT saved the file and restarted Wireshark, the rule wasn't there either.

To make my intent clear, i'm NOT trying to decrypt the entire RDP traffic, i'm trying to view the first few unencrypted connection initiation packets.

Can anyone help me?

EDIT: I also tried Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> TPKT, and added 3389 to TCP ports field. But after restart the field was reset to default 102. Any other port than 3389 survives the restart, only 3389 gets deleted. And same applies for the Decode As dialog. Is this some kind of anti-RDP conspiracy? Where-ever i enter the port 3389, the setting gets deleted. Is there some hardcoded rule preventing this port from being used in Wireshark?

EDIT2: My version is: ``` Wireshark 3.6.1 (v3.6.1-0-ga0a473c7c1ba)

Compiled (64-bit) using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (VC++ 14.29, build 30138), with Qt 5.15.2, with libpcap, with GLib 2.66.4, with zlib 1.2.11, with Lua 5.2.4, with GnuTLS 3.6.3 and PKCS #11 support, with Gcrypt 1.8.3, with MIT Kerberos, with MaxMind DB resolver, with nghttp2 1.44.0, with brotli, with LZ4, with Zstandard, with Snappy, with libxml2 2.9.10, with libsmi 0.4.8, with QtMultimedia, with automatic updates using WinSparkle 0.5.7, with AirPcap, with SpeexDSP (using bundled resampler), with Minizip.

Running on 64-bit Windows 10 (21H2), build 19044, with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz (with SSE4.2), with 32584 MB of physical memory, with GLib 2.66.4, with Qt 5.15.2, with Npcap version 1.31, based on libpcap version 1.10.1-PRE-GIT, with c-ares 1.17.0, with GnuTLS 3.6.3, with Gcrypt 1.8.3, with nghttp2 1.44.0, with brotli 1.0.9, with LZ4 1.9.3, with Zstandard 1.4.0, without AirPcap, with LC_TYPE=Czech_Czechia.utf8, binary plugins supported (0 loaded). ```

How to convince Wireshark to interpret packets as RDP

I'm trying to debug a custom RDP implementation, but can't make Wireshark display the RDP packets properly. To be sure the issue is not in my captures, i downloaded some examples from

But when i open it, i see no RDP packets. Filter rdp displays nothing, and so does tpkt. When i manually select tcp.port == 3389, i see the connection sequence but all the packets including the first are wrongly displayed as "SSL: Continuation Data" or "TSL: Ignored Unknown Record", even though the first few ones are unencrypted because they contain encryption negotiation.

I tried Analyze -> Decode As, but it does not work. When i add a rule "TCP port | 3389 | Integer, base 10 | (none) | TPKT" and click OK, nothing happens and when i open the Decode As dialog again, my rule is not there.

I also tried manually editing the text file at C:/Users/Youda/AppData/Roaming/Wireshark/decode_as_entries but when i added decode_as_entry: tcp.port,3389,(none),TPKT saved the file and restarted Wireshark, the rule wasn't there either.

To make my intent clear, i'm NOT trying to decrypt the entire RDP traffic, i'm trying to view the first few unencrypted connection initiation packets.

Can anyone help me?

EDIT: I also tried Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> TPKT, and added 3389 to TCP ports field. But after restart the field was reset to default 102. Any other port than 3389 survives the restart, only 3389 gets deleted. And same applies for the Decode As dialog. Is this some kind of anti-RDP conspiracy? Where-ever i enter the port 3389, the setting gets deleted. Is there some hardcoded rule preventing this port from being used in Wireshark?

EDIT2: My version is: ``` is:

Wireshark 3.6.1 (v3.6.1-0-ga0a473c7c1ba)

(v3.6.1-0-ga0a473c7c1ba) Compiled (64-bit) using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (VC++ 14.29, build 30138), with Qt 5.15.2, with libpcap, with GLib 2.66.4, with zlib 1.2.11, with Lua 5.2.4, with GnuTLS 3.6.3 and PKCS #11 support, with Gcrypt 1.8.3, with MIT Kerberos, with MaxMind DB resolver, with nghttp2 1.44.0, with brotli, with LZ4, with Zstandard, with Snappy, with libxml2 2.9.10, with libsmi 0.4.8, with QtMultimedia, with automatic updates using WinSparkle 0.5.7, with AirPcap, with SpeexDSP (using bundled resampler), with Minizip.

Minizip. Running on 64-bit Windows 10 (21H2), build 19044, with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz (with SSE4.2), with 32584 MB of physical memory, with GLib 2.66.4, with Qt 5.15.2, with Npcap version 1.31, based on libpcap version 1.10.1-PRE-GIT, with c-ares 1.17.0, with GnuTLS 3.6.3, with Gcrypt 1.8.3, with nghttp2 1.44.0, with brotli 1.0.9, with LZ4 1.9.3, with Zstandard 1.4.0, without AirPcap, with LC_TYPE=Czech_Czechia.utf8, binary plugins supported (0 loaded). ```