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can wireshark evaluate the performance of different versions of TCP


sir how to find different vesions of TCP using Wireshark and how to compare the diffrent versions of TCP performance using wireshark pls help

asked 13 Sep '13, 03:06

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shaziya islam
accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Yes, you can compare different TCP stack types (I guess that's what you mean with "versions") with Wireshark if you know how the stack types behave. So first you need to find out what the differences between the stack types are, and then look for telltale signs in the decoded packets. It is quite a challenging task, and I know of at least one person who has written a thesis about this (with months of preparation). So good luck! :-)

answered 13 Sep '13, 03:32

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Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%