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Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for frame types no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

image description

Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for frame types no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

image description

Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for frame types no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for frame types no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for frame types no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for wlan frame types (wlan.fc.type eq 0) no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

Using Wireshark 2.2.13.

Frame type display filter returning empty

When I apply a display filter for wlan frame types (wlan.fc.type eq 0) no results will show up. Sorry if I'm doing something very simple wrong but I couldn't find any solutions to my problem.

Using Wireshark 2.2.13. image description