I am using a Texas Instruments evaluation board as a Bluetooth sniffer. The process is documented here: https://software-dl.ti.com/lprf/packet_sniffer_2/docs/user_guide/html/users_guide.html
I am seeing packets in Wireshark, but I am unable to see the RSSI. I submitted a case to Texas Instruments including my saved .pcap file. Texas Instruments support opened the file and successfully saw the RSSI in the saved file. He is using Wireshark version 3.0.14. I am using the latest version and I do not see the TI Radio Packet Info menu, which contains the RSSI information.
Do you know what I have to do to be able to see RSSI on a BLE packet?
Thanks, Stephen
Link to the Texas Instruments case: https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless-connectivity/bluetooth/f/bluetooth-forum/989107/launchxl-cc26x2r1-smartrf-packet-sniffer-2-and-received-signal-strength/3654676#3654676