Hi! I am very new to Wireshark, I have it V3.4.2 installed on a MacBook Air running macOS Big Sur.
I have "Enable decryption" checked under Preferences->Protocols->802.11; and I also manually added the decryption key. The key type is "wpa-pwd" and I used the format described on the Wireshark wiki page whic is "MyPassword:MySSID" No special characters in my WiFi password, it just has one number in it. There's no space before or after the ":"
I am able to see all 4 EAPOL packets. However, I noticed that message 3 of 4 shows "WPA EAPOL Extraneous Data: ........." [Expert Info (Warning/Malformed): Extraneous and invalid data in EAPOL frame] under 801.1X Authentication.
I did try reading through different posts hoping to find instructions that could help me solve this. Thank you!