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how to get SDP information from the Lua

I want to using LUA get SDP information... want to get the Media Port 1234 and decode this port as RTCP

as I know I can using below code to decode 1234 port as RTCP but how can I get the 1234 this port from the SDP?

do local lee_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") local rtcp_dissector = Dissector.get("rtcp") lee_port_table:add(1234,rtcp_dissector) end

                Media Description, name and address (m): application 1234 udp MCPTT
                    Media Type: application
                    Media Port: 1234
                    Media Protocol: udp
                    Media Format: MCPTT

is there anybody can help to show me some example code?


click to hide/show revision 2

how to get SDP information from the Lua

I want to using LUA get SDP information... want to get the Media Port 1234 and decode this port as RTCP

as I know I can using below code to decode 1234 port as RTCP but how can I get the 1234 this port from the SDP?

     local lee_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
     local rtcp_dissector = Dissector.get("rtcp")


                Media Description, name and address (m): application 1234 udp MCPTT
                    Media Type: application
                    Media Port: 1234
                    Media Protocol: udp
                    Media Format: MCPTT

is there anybody can help to show me some example code?
