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Decryption Key issue for IEEE802.15.4 frames version 2006 and 2015

Hi all,

I have some issues to decrypt IEEE802.15.4 traffic with frame version 2006 and 2015.

I try to decrypt WISUN traffic inserting the GTK key into the Decryption key section with Index 1 as specified into Auxiliary Header, but this message was shown “No encryption key set – can’t decrypt”

I'm sure that the key is correct and the Key index is crrectly indicated.

A similar issue occurs if I try to sniff 6LoWAPN traffic with IEEE802.15.4 frame version 2006. In this case all frames are correctly decryted except the Command frame for which I have the error message “No encryption key set – can’t decrypt”. I noticed that the frame correctly decrypted indicate that the [Key Number: 0] is zero, but the AES key used is at index 1 as indicated also in the Auxiliary Header.

Can someone help me?

Thank you

Decryption Key issue for IEEE802.15.4 frames version 2006 and 2015

Hi all,

I have some issues to decrypt IEEE802.15.4 traffic with frame version 2006 and 2015.

I try to decrypt WISUN traffic inserting the GTK key into the Decryption key section with Index 1 as specified into Auxiliary Header, but this message was is shown “No encryption key set – can’t decrypt”

I'm sure that the key is correct and the Key index is crrectly indicated.

A similar issue occurs if I try to sniff 6LoWAPN traffic with IEEE802.15.4 frame version 2006. In this case all frames are correctly decryted except the Command frame for which I have the error message “No encryption key set – can’t decrypt”. I noticed that the frame correctly decrypted indicate that the [Key Number: 0] is zero, but the AES key used is at index 1 as indicated also in the Auxiliary Header.

Can someone help me?

Thank you