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how to write a wireshark dissector to write a amf packet to a file


I want to write a wireshark dissector in ubuntu to write an amf packet to a file.

asked 15 Oct '12, 22:59

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edited 15 Oct '12, 23:00

There already is a dissector: RTMPT

(15 Oct '12, 23:28) Jaap ♦

Dissectors don't write stuff to files, they just dissect packets and construct a tree of fields and subfields. Other parts of Wireshark can write stuff to files, including a "printed-out" version of that tree.

If a Wireshark dissector is dissecting an AMF packet, the packet is already in a file - the file that Wireshark read.

What exactly do you want to do here?

(16 Oct '12, 16:43) Guy Harris ♦♦

And if you want to write AMF objects to a file, then you'll need to implement a tap. So what do you want to do?

(17 Oct '12, 04:05) Jaap ♦