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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

HTTP reponse

I have made a TCP three way handshake connection between FPGA board and PC, Then i have send a HTTP GET message from FPGA board to PC but i did'nt get HTTP reponse message from pc?

i hvae attached the Capture file through below this link [link text]==

The above file will be in .txt formatt so you open with in wire shark you can able to see capture Packets.

click to hide/show revision 2

HTTP reponse

I have made a TCP three way handshake connection between FPGA board and PC, Then i have send a HTTP GET message from FPGA board to PC but i did'nt get HTTP reponse message from pc?

i hvae attached the Capture file through below this link [link text]==

The above file will be in .txt formatt so you open with in wire shark you can able to see capture Packets.

click to hide/show revision 3

HTTP reponse

I have made a TCP three way handshake connection between FPGA board and PC, Then i have send a HTTP GET message from FPGA board to PC but i did'nt get HTTP reponse message from pc?

i hvae attached the Capture file through below this link.

The above file will be in .txt formatt so you open with in wire shark you can able to see capture Packets.