How dumpcap gets time to calculate the timeout for -a duration:XX parameter handling?
My problem is that I have a Napatech sniffing card (NT40A01), which comes with Napatech own WinPCAP (they called it WinPCAP-NT). This WinPCAP can work with normal NICs AND with Napatech cards, so I am able to use Wireshark on my normal NICs as well as on Napatech cards. Napatech cards are not seen as "normal" NICs, they don't appear under "Network adapters", they don't have associated connection to them, or IP address.
The problem is with dumpcap with "duration" parameter. On normal NICs (eg. Intel CT) it works perfectly OK (dumpcap -a duration:10 will stop capturing after 10 seconds), but when sniffing from Napatech card, sniffing is done indefinitely, regardless of parameter passed to "duration".
OS: Windows 10. Wireshark 3.0.5 32 bit