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how to detect and protocoll internet interrupts

I have the feeling, that sometimes there are interrupts coming from internet provider (teams or outlook shows "no connection to internet" WLAN radio stops,...., but I need to document this.

how to detect and protocoll internet interrupts

I have the feeling, that sometimes there are interrupts coming from internet provider (teams or outlook shows "no connection to internet" WLAN radio stops,...., but I need to document this.

how to detect and protocoll internet interrupts

I have the feeling, that sometimes there are interrupts coming from internet provider (teams or outlook shows "no connection to internet" WLAN radio stops,...., but I need to document this.

how to detect and protocoll document internet interruptsinterruptions

I have the feeling, that sometimes there are interrupts interruptions coming from internet provider (teams or outlook shows "no connection to internet" WLAN radio stops,...., but I need to document this.