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Win7 Client and Win7 Server: TCP Retransmission followed by DUP ACK and TCP Retransmission

My Windows 7 Client Application can abruptly disconnect from the Windows 7 Server Application after several successful queries.

A successful query:

  1. Client to Server [PSH, ACK]
  2. Server to Client [PSH, ACK]
  3. Client to Server [ACK]

Error I see on the Server Side:

  1. Client to Server [PSH, ACK]
  2. Server to Client [PSH, ACK]
  3. Client to Server [TCP Retransmission] (of #1)
  4. Server to Client [TCP Dup ACK] (of #2)
  5. Server to Client [TCP Retransmission]
  6. Repeat step #5 until the client disconnects

Error I see on the Client Side:

  1. Client to Server [PSH, ACK]
  2. Client to Server [TCP Retransmission] (of #1)
  3. Server to Client [TCP Previous Segment not Captured] (referring to DUP ACK)
  4. Listen indefinitely for a response that doesn't come causing a hang.

My questions are:

  1. Why is the client missing the transmissions the server is sending?
  2. Would this be because of the server, client, or something in-between?
