HTTP protocol incorrect sequence request
Hello All,
I have PCAP file which contains several HTTP 1.1 GET request and response. Some of the requests are dived to 2 packet and so the responses for those requests. But although each request has 2 parts, the frame description display: [HTTP request 1/3] & [HTTP request 2/3] and there is never 3/3. In the response part also there are 2 parts,but the frame description display [HTTP response 2/3] & [HTTP response 3/3] and there isn't 1/3 in the response.
Why the request & response display out of 3 instead of out of 2.
Screen capture for example:
Can you share the capture? You can post it on a public file share, e.g. Google Drive, DropBox etc. and post a link to the file here.
Link to picture capturing:
We can't work with pictures. We have a very nice tool which takes actual capture files, not pictures, and shows us the packets. It's called Wireshark, I guess you've heard of it.
Sorry, unfortunately, I can't upload the file. it contain some private information.
Then you can use tools like TraceWrangler to obfuscate that info, while leaving the relevant stuff intact.