frame 1 [syn] -> frame 2 [rst, ack] on port 25 of remote server
My postfix smtp server suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason. I now find that I am getting a [rst, ack] packet back after the initial [syn] packet.
I'm trying to connect to port 25 on the remote server. This affects all outbound mail. I've checked all postfix configs, all inbound and local email works, dns and rdns all configured correctly, not on any blacklists and I don't relay through another server. I can understand one server not wanting to respond but I'm completely baffled. I can't see that all mail servers would deny access on port 25.
Is your server a private one in your home\office connected to the Internet via an ISP? If so, it's likely that your ISP is blocking port 25 connections.
Yes, I'm on a home network and No I don't think they are. I am on a fixed ip addr ( and they tell me that they don't block ports (apart from 2 related to xbox live).
This appeared in my mail[]:25 Connection refused. That is just one example, another is[]:25: Connection refused. They all respond the same way with a [rst, ack]. I have the traces for those connections so I'm sure they are hittng the relevant servers.