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cara membaca hasil summary di wireshark 1.12.7

asked 2019-01-29 19:01:06 +0000

muhammmad gravatar image

image description pada nilai " between first and last packet" itu satuannya apa detik(s) ? tanda koma yang ada pada nilai " between first and last packet" itu apa menyatakan ribuan ? cara menghitung nilai delay bagaimana ?

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Can you post your question in English, as that's the language most commonly used on this site?

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2019-01-29 20:27:02 +0000 )edit

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answered 2019-01-29 20:41:57 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

how to read the summary results in Wireshark 1.12.7

(Biasanya lebih baik bertanya dalam bahasa Inggris daripada dalam bahasa Indonesia, karena banyak pembaca tidak mengerti bahasa Indonesia dan harus menggunakan untuk menerjemahkan antara bahasa yang mereka mengerti dan bahasa Indonesia. Itu yang saya lakukan.)

(It's typically better to ask in English than in Indonesian, because many of the readers of don't understand Indonesian and would have to use to translate between a language that they understand and Indonesian. That is what I am doing.)

image description pada nilai " between first and last packet" itu satuannya apa detik(s) ? tanda koma yang ada pada nilai " between first and last packet" itu apa menyatakan ribuan ? cara menghitung nilai delay bagaimana ?

the image description on the value "between first and last packet" is what unit is seconds (s)? a comma that is in the value "between first and last packet" does it say thousands? how to calculate the delay value?

"seconds" ("sec") is in units of seconds. From what I see online, a comma is used as a decimal separator in Indonesia, so, for example, one and a half would be represented as "1,5" rather than as "1.5", so a comma in that value separates the integral portion of the number of seconds from the fractional portion of the number of seconds.

"seconds" ("sec") adalah dalam satuan detik. Dari apa yang saya lihat online, koma digunakan sebagai pemisah desimal di Indonesia, jadi, misalnya, satu setengah akan direpresentasikan sebagai "1,5" daripada "1.5", jadi koma dalam nilai itu memisahkan bagian integral dari jumlah detik dari bagian fraksi dari jumlah detik.

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Asked: 2019-01-29 19:01:06 +0000

Seen: 747 times

Last updated: Jan 29 '19