Fax over G.711
Is it something that could be possible that you support Fax over G.711 stream decoding and not just Fax over T.38?
Is it something that could be possible that you support Fax over G.711 stream decoding and not just Fax over T.38?
That would require Wireshark to do a lot of audio processing: getting the samples out of the stream, converting these to symbols, synchronise on the stream, get the HDLC frames, strip these off and then go to FAX decoding. Possible, but not simple.
There is a software called spandsp which can process an audio recording of a fax session offline the way you want. But you can export the G.711 from the RTP stream into an audio file and then use spandsp's fax_decode to show you the T.30 events and create the image file. On Windows, I'm running it under cygwin.
Unfortunately I cannot because a colleague who has already left the company has compiled it for me years ago, and since then the cygwin has evolved so is quite likely that the same binary will not run on a new installation of cygwin. So I can send you the binary if you give me your e-mail (you can post it here in some robot-unreadable form and remove the comment once you get an e-mail from me), but whether it will run in your newly installed environment is not guaranteed.
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Asked: 2018-08-27 18:21:21 +0000
Seen: 1,369 times
Last updated: Aug 27 '18