create a dissector for protobuf
In some tool that I'm using, there is export to protobuf. However, when I try to use it, I'm getting that the field is not defined.
After removing everything, except parsing the 1st 2 bytes, I still have an error:
syntax = "proto3";
package my_test
message my_test_message {
bytes sync1 = 1;
bytes sync2 = 2;
I know that the 1st byte is 0xAC (sync1) and second one is 0x13 (sync2). I getting an output like:
[field name: <UNKNOWN>]
.000 1001 .010 1... = Field Number: 309
.... .100 = Wire Type: End Group (deprectaed) (4)
How to solve the issue so that I'll see sync1=0xAC (or 172) and sync2=0x13 (or 19).