Capture HTTP Traffic of my Embedded Provisioning device and Mobile App

asked 2025-01-30 13:26:01 +0000

updated 2025-01-30 14:42:00 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

Hello, I have an Embedded NXP device, when the device is in Provisioning Mode it starts it's own Access Point with the IP as Now Provisioning Involves two steps sending a HTTP GET request to /sys/scan which will respond with a JSON packet of all the available networks and then a HTTP POST of with the SSID and Password of the router I want it to connect to in JSON format.

I have tried two things

  1. My Ubuntu device connected to LAN Network and working in Monitor Mode to sniff all packets
  2. My ubuntu device connected to the SSID of the Embedded NXP devicce and then trying to capture the communication between the Mobile Provisioning App and the Embedded Device

In both the methods I am able to sniff and HTTP packet

I am able to use postman to send an HTTP GET Request to which responds with a list of available SSID's and HTTP Post with the credentials and it connects to the desired router and shuts the Access point Mode and goes into Station Mode

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