RST: present, Fin: Absent, DATA: Present, ACK:
I have captured a tcpdump between Application server and Forcepoint Web Proxy server. When i try to analyse the pcap using wireshark gui tool
Postman REST API Client -> Application server -> Forcepoint Web Proxy server.
I see the below in Transmission Control Protocol frame in Wireshark GUI interface while loading the captured tcpdumpapplicationserver.pcap
**RST: Present** FIN: Absent Data: Present ACK: Present SYN-ACK: Present SYN: Present
Is there a way to find out why we see RST: Present in TCP frame as mentioned above? Is it a normal TCP handshake flow or is the application sending RST flag as Present and because of this flag, the Forcepoint Web Proxy server abrupt the connections by sending RST flag to the Application server.
Please guide.
Best Regards,
There are example in - The Ultimate PCAP
tcp.completeness == 47
Thanks Chuck and Hugo. Can i attach the pcap to this forum?
Place it on a public file share (Google, Microsoft, aws) then update the question with a link to it.
Thanks Chuck for the quick response. Please refer to
Best Regards,
Is there a log to check on the 172.16.x.x server?
That's a pretty quick "nope, don't support that" turn around.