Dissector bug protocol sip
Wireshark is throwing dissector bug, protocol SIP: error as shown below. This happens for a sip message from Ericsson containerized P-CSCF towards IMS core. Looks like Ericsson container P-CSCF has added some tags after Branch Tag in Via header. Wireshark is unable to handle that. I already checked sip protocol options but there is nothing that can be done from user interface to ignore the additional tags. Can someone help on a workaround for the dissector bug.
Session Initiation Protocol
Request-Line: REGISTER sip:msg.lab.t-mobile.com SIP/2.0
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060;branch=z9hG4bKg3Zqkv7iiuu5d9cb2gyyeore6tohdm87j;eric_th_id=1;be-route=MTkyLjE2OC43Ny42MDo4MDgw
Transport: UDP
Sent-by Address: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx
Sent-by port: 5060
Branch: z9hG4bKg3Zqkv7iiuu5d9cb2gyyeore6tohdm87j
be-route: MTkyLjE2OC43Ny42MDo4MDgw**
[Dissector bug, protocol SIP: C:\gitlab-builds\builds\MsQ3pox2\0\wireshark\wireshark\epan\packet.c:3456: failed assertion "handle != ((void *)0)"]
[Expert Info (Error/Malformed): C:\gitlab-builds\builds\MsQ3pox2\0\wireshark\wireshark\epan\packet.c:3456: failed assertion "handle != ((void *)0)"]
[C:\gitlab-builds\builds\MsQ3pox2\0\wireshark\wireshark\epan\packet.c:3456: failed assertion "handle != ((void *)0)"]
[Severity level: Error]
[Group: Malformed]
Please update the question with the output of
wireshark -v
orHelp->About Wireshark:Wireshark
.It helps to have a sample capture file. Can you put one on a public file share then update the question with a link to it.