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Wireshark Win 11 using MSYS2: cannot build .exe installer

asked 2023-12-06 17:51:07 +0000

krupa gravatar image


I am new to Wireshark development ecosystem. Was able to build the executable using the instructions in the page below:

However, when trying to build the install package using the commands below, I am getting 'unknown target' error for both the commands.

  • ninja wireshark_nsis_prep
  • ninja wireshark_nsis

Could it be because of any missing package? Much appreciate any help or pointers.


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Purely for my own interest, what's the reason for choosing an MSYS2 build?

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2023-12-07 09:02:52 +0000 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-12-06 20:17:48 +0000

krupa gravatar image

updated 2023-12-06 22:20:42 +0000

While the original issue still persists, was able to run the command below directly from the MSYS2 URCT64 prompt and get the installer built:

cpack --config ./CPackConfig.cmake

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Asked: 2023-12-06 17:51:07 +0000

Seen: 158 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '23