Can I disable dark mode in Windows version
Hello, Wireshark 4.2 comes with the dark mode for windows. Can I disable the dark mode somewhere in Wireshark?
it is possible the -platform windows:darkmode:=1 parameter works with 4.4.1
even loading the Wireshark via doubleclick on a pcap is possible as shown here
if you capable with some regedits (be aware that this is pro stuff
and not really recommended, though it should work)
set the value for the
"C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -r "%1" -platform windows:darkmode=1
here is a reg for an installation in C:\Program Files\Wireshark
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Wireshark capture file"
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Wireshark\\Wireshark.exe\",1"
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Wireshark\\Wireshark.exe\" -r \"%1\" -platform windows:darkmode=1"
Solution-1: Another alternative that is to change the system setting from dark mode to light mode which impacts the Wireshark setting permanently i.e., lets you open it in Light mode only no matter how many times you choose to open wireshark.
Solution-2: The previous user also mentioned the same thing, but I would advice if you are on your Start menu, select Wireshark and right Click on it, then click on Open File Location. Wireshark Folder Workspace opens up. Open the Wireshark Shortcut menu by clicking on properties and insert the value shared earlier {"C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -platform windows:darkmode=1}. Click on Save and Continue. Once done, open the Wireshark Application again (remove previously saved Shortcut from desktop) and save the newly open Wireshark. Long process but it meets the requirement. Also no matter how many times you open the Wireshark be the newly appointed shortcut on desktop or from taskbar or from start menu, it opens in light mode.
Reference used:
Appending the "-platform" switch to shortcut works when you click on the shortcut and then open a pcap. Unfortunately, this doesn't help with windows registry auto open (like when you open from within an email or double click from a windows folder). Even if you change the registry (which is doable) on next upgrade that goes away. And, if you're on a company laptop that prohibits changing registry you'll need to open an IT ticket every upgrade. Best would be for Wireshark to add a themes option setting in configuration.
There does seem to be a way to work around this issue by modifying your Wireshark shortcut. Append -platform windows:darkmode=1
to the Target field, e.g.:
"C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -platform windows:darkmode=1
Using darkmode=0
also works.
Asked: 2023-11-22 20:24:34 +0000
Seen: 10,733 times
Last updated: Oct 17 '24
Meaning that your Windows desktop is in dark mode, but you don't want Wireshark to be in dark mode?