Decrypting PPPoTLS traffic
Hello everyone, I've a packet capture with PPPoTLS (Point-to-Point Protocol over TLS) traffic in it. I'm capturing the SSL vpn traffic comming from a client to an SSL VPN server.
I was able to get the pre-master key and decrypt the traffic in wireshark successfully. However, once decrypted, wireshark doesn't seem to recognize the PPP traffic inside TLS.
All wireshark displays is "Protocol: HTTP, Info: Continuation", in the HTTP layer I see only Data with hex values in it. I tried to : right click on a packet > decode as.. > and change from HTTP to PPP, but PPP is not even an option.
Could you please help me to make wiresharke display the PPP traffic ?
Many thanks, Karim
Are you able to share the TLS pre-master secret key and the pcap of a test session to have a look at?
thanks for your replay,
Yes of course, you can find below a GoogleDrive link where you can download a test.pcap + test.pms txt file. It's a very small pcap (1.2Mo) and there is no sensitive information on this pcap. If we are able to make wireshakre decode the PPP traffic, we would be able to see a ping from the remote SSL VPN client to one internal IP.
By the way, I took the PCAP on an F5 loadbalancer (which acts as the SSL Server). I make the Loadbalancer add some debug information in each packets, it might be usefull to make sure that : Analys > Enabled Protocols > "F5 Ethrnet trailer, F5ethtrailer, F5 TLS, FILEINFO, f5fileinfo, Noise" are checked, for you to be able to see all packet correctly decoded.
You use the following filter to see the TLS ...(more)
Great that you are able to share the files. Something went wrong with the link though, could you correct the Gdrive link?
Oh, of course. This one should be OK (i verified it using another PC and worked fine) :