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ARP Storming???

asked 2023-05-03 18:00:14 +0000

updated 2023-05-04 07:44:10 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

I am relatively new to Wireshark, recently accepted a new IT position, network seems a bit slow so I did a couple packet captures. I am seeing about 160 ARPs each second, The "TELL" is to our Domain Controller's IP and the source is the DC's ethernet MAC, but the "Who has" IPs are various subnets that we do not use or have devices configured on. Here's a sample of the packet capture. Any ideas or information would be helpful, just not sure where to start looking.

1   0.000000    0.000000    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
2   0.000863    0.000863    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
3   0.001597    0.000734    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
4   0.002253    0.000656    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
5   0.002920    0.000667    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
6   0.114876    0.111956    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
7   0.115710    0.000834    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
8   0.116356    0.000646    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
9   0.1169xx    0.000619    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
10  0.117628    0.000653    IntelCor_df:c2:xx   Broadcast   ARP 60      Who has Tell 192.168.xx.xx
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answered 2023-05-05 09:27:24 +0000

hugo.vanderkooij gravatar image

If you see ARP rquest for IP addresses not part of that subnet the sender has an incorrect subnet mask configured.

On any given day most domain controllers seem to want to connect to evrything they have in the machine list. If such a machine is not available it will try frequently which is seen by the ARP requests. Printers are among the devices that your domain controller like s to keep in touch with. Even if you scrapped the printer years ago.

None of this means you actualy have a problem by itself. But I would recomend digging in your domain controller and see where missing IP addresses ars still present and see if you can cleanuup stuff. Having obsolete stuff in your domain might expain some of the slowness you seem to experiencing.

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Asked: 2023-05-03 18:00:14 +0000

Seen: 585 times

Last updated: May 05 '23