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How to use the j1939 dissector?

asked 2018-05-17 01:04:08 +0000

tomi gravatar image

I just compiled version 2.9.0 from GIT on my Debian Stretch AMD64 machine. The problem is, that for the CAN protocol I can't seem to find the SAE j1939 dissector (which was there e.g. in 1.12.1) in 2.9.0 (as well as in 2.2.6 from my distribution). The build process of 2.9.0 completes successfully and also states that packet-j1939.c.o has been compiled. Under Analyze -> Enabled Protocols, J1939 is checked. However I can't seem to find it in the protocol preferences. (How do I enable/force a dissector otherwise?)

What's going wrong here? What can I do to make j1939 dissection work either in 2.9.0 or in 2.2.6?

Thanks a lot!

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answered 2018-05-17 04:31:39 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

How do I enable/force a dissector otherwise?

Decode As.

What can I do to make j1939 dissection work either in 2.9.0 or in 2.2.6?

Select a CAN packet, select Analyze -> Decode As..., click the [+] button, and, in the newly-added line, make sure the first column is "CAN next level dissector" and the last column is "J1939".

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Asked: 2018-05-17 01:04:08 +0000

Seen: 1,691 times

Last updated: May 17 '18