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Is there an "Option (3) Router" anywhere in Wireshark?

asked 2022-12-17 20:07:35 +0000

HeavenlyHandyman gravatar image

updated 2022-12-17 22:05:39 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Is there an "Option (3) Router" anywhere in Wireshark? I'm running a Wireshark simulator in TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro and this step is part of the lab solution. I can't find it anywhere. Presumably it's supposed to display the spoofed default gateway ip address in a DHCP ACK packet after a MITM attack has been set up with Ettercap, and the interface taken down and brought back up.

I found Capture | Options but no (3) nor Router in my downloaded Wireshark.

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2 Answers

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answered 2022-12-19 21:34:20 +0000

HeavenlyHandyman gravatar image

TestOut to the rescue (as always!).

When I expanded the Bootstrap Protocol (ACK) entry in the middle panel, it displayed an entry for (3) Router (the spoofed default gateway).

All's well that ends well, and that's a deep subject (:-)

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answered 2022-12-17 22:10:30 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Try this: dhcp.option.type == 3 as display filter, which matches for the desired DHCP option.

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Hi Jaap, I tried your suggestion and got no results. I will contact TestOut Support on Monday to resolve this issue.

Thanks for trying! Happy Holidays, HH

HeavenlyHandyman gravatar imageHeavenlyHandyman ( 2022-12-18 02:12:23 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2022-12-17 20:07:35 +0000

Seen: 424 times

Last updated: Dec 19 '22