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Determining unique source/destination IP addresses separately.

asked 2022-05-07 00:37:10 +0000

jacksparrow2 gravatar image

I am trying to figure out how may unique source IP addresses there are in a pcap file viewing through Wireshark. Then how many unique destination IP addresses there are. I tried endpoints but I believe that is total unique addresses but I need a separate count of source and destination.

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answered 2022-05-07 03:34:56 +0000

Chuckc gravatar image

Statistics -> IPv4 Statistics -> Source and Destination Addresses
Statistics -> IPv6 Statistics -> Source and Destination Addresses

The menu items above look like a gui front end to the tshark options:

-z ip_srcdst,tree[,filter]
Calculate statistics on IPv4 addresses, with source and destination addresses separated into separate categories.

-z ip6_srcdst,tree[,filter]
Calculate statistics on IPv6 addresses, with source and destination addresses separated into separate categories.

(The output is suspect. A test capture with IPv4 and IPv6 packets, IPv6 addresses appear in the IPv4 statistics.)

This can be done with tshark pulling the ip.src and ip.dst fields and crunching the output.
Be aware that some packets (e.g. ICMP and ICMPv6) include an extra IP header so there are multiple ip.src and ip.dst in the packets.

$ tshark -r ./*10130* -T fields -e ip.src | sort | uniq | sort -n | wc
    176     175    2840
$ tshark -r ./*10130* -T fields -e ipv6.src | sort | uniq | sort -n | wc
    178     177    5412

Lower counts when only counting the first occurrence of the field in each frame.

$ tshark -r ./*10130* -T fields -E occurrence=f -e ip.src | sort | uniq | sort -n | wc
    169     168    2474
$ tshark -r ./*10130* -T fields -E occurrence=f -e ipv6.src | sort | uniq | sort -n | wc
    176     175    4502
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Asked: 2022-05-07 00:37:10 +0000

Seen: 2,368 times

Last updated: May 07 '22