Formal Quality Assurance of Wireshark
Hello Folks,
I am using Wireshark in the software quality assurance process of a software product under development. One of the standards requirements in the development of the product is to use "certified" tools. Such tools are built following a software quality framework with appropriate evidence.
I am unable to find evidence that Wireshark has a formal QA system. Does it have something?
If it does not, researching in Google Scholar, it appears that evidence of QA within a FOSS environment is difficult to find or a QA process not explicitly followed. So Wireshark is typical of other products within the domain.
When people use Wireshark (or any other FOSS product perhaps) in the QA process of another product under development, how does one provide evidence in the tieback to the tool being developed using appropriate QA process and therefore suitable for use?
Thank you for your time.
What says that any software developed with QA is fit to do a particular job? :-)
If you use Wireshark to verify that your product full fills a protocol standard there is no guarantee that wireshark interprets the protocol "correctly". However we have a number of tests in place to try to assure code quality in the sense of not crashing on bad data various static code analyses run on the code etc. Any code entered has peer review.