802.11 MSCS descriptor unable to dissect
with regard to MSCS Descriptor element (Element ID 255, Element ID Extension 88). Wireshark is unable to dissect. It would only show tag number 88 unknown. Can wireshark support this?
I saw it on 3.6.0. Thanks
We don't close "answered" questions here, we just accept the answer which I've done for you.
can you open an issue with a pcap ?
Issues can be opened at the Wireshark GitLab instance.
And that's not an answer in any case, it's just an indication of the release in which it was found (which is useful information - 3.4.x doesn't include code to dissect it, so if it was 3.4.x the answer is "yes, it can support it, and does in 3.6.0", but, as it's 3.6.0, it's either "yes, it can support it, but the code to support it in 3.6.0 might have a bug").