How do I capture more features
Sorry I am very new to Wireshark.
I am trying to do a home setup and perform a packet capture for four devices in order to create a dataset for ML purposes (I need a lot of "not missing" data).
I have a home router and a mac laptop and I am using it on promiscuous mode to capture the packets. When I capture packets the features that I get are very limited. I know I can apply some features from the bottom banner as columns but they are limited and most rows appear empty.
When I watch Wireshark tutorials other people have more information in the bottom banner.
Do I need some external equipment to be able to capture more data on wireshark?
So by "features" do you mean "the items that show up in the part of this display that has stuff such as
Questions: 1
"? What's at the very bottom of that screen is showing information about the item you've selected in that other part of the display.