Okay, so I am having trouble with it on Linux. [closed]
I have been fairly bad with this techy stuff, and I don't understand some of it. So, pretty much, I got to running it with Super User thingy enabled, but it didn't work. I look it up and got the answer that I need to run one extra command. It is "sudo adduser USERNAME wireshark" And when I do, it says "The group Wireshark is already exists. I tried the command without the Wireshark but it says "Only one or two names allowed." What do I do?
It would help immensely if you gave some info about your environment, e.g. which Linux distribution and Wireshark version.
I do not know what you mean by Linux distribution, but I believe that the version is the newest one.
I also use it on a Chromebook.
Are you using a distribution such as Ubuntu, Debian, Redhat etc.? You can copy and paste the info from the Wireshark menu item; Help -> About Wireshark -> Wireshark dialog that will give us some of the helpful info.
Ubuntu I think.