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Installing Wireshark on Windows Server 2019

asked 2021-07-02 01:36:36 +0000

Nikhil.Dayal gravatar image

Iam not able to install Wireshark (64-bit) (3.2.14 or 3.4.6) on my windows VM (running on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter). I get error: "The Visual C++ Redistribution installer failed with error 1618. Please make sure you have KB2999226 or KB3118401 installed. Unable to continue installation."

When I search outside, I see KB2999226 or KB3118401 comes with Windows Server 2019 installations.

How can we get around this ?

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answered 2021-07-02 02:46:02 +0000

Nikhil.Dayal gravatar image

This got resolved. I made sure no other user is logged in, and no Active MSIEXEC.exe Task is running.

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The handling of errors reported by the VC Redist installer is a problematic area, it seems the Wireshark installer could do a better job in this case.

Could you raise an issue over at the Wireshark Issue Tracker?

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2021-07-02 07:52:56 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2021-07-02 01:36:36 +0000

Seen: 1,898 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '21