default capture filters
I have a question regarding default capture filters. If i goto capture>capture filters. i see bunch of filerers. Are those effective by default capture filters?
I have a question regarding default capture filters. If i goto capture>capture filters. i see bunch of filerers. Are those effective by default capture filters?
the capture filter you see in capture -> capture filters
can be used as predefined filters. (See screenshot)
The default filter which is used is empty
Hope I got your question right.
what do you mean by predefined? for example if i only want to capture only http traffic.. is "tcp port http" effective?
Either you put int the field "Enter a capture filter:
tcp port http
you can press the green flag and select the filter HTTP TCP port (80)
from the list which appears there. As it can be seen on the screenshot. And then the capture filter tcp port http
will be used.
The main idea of capture -> capture filters
is related to ethereal
, where the capture procedure worked a little bit different in the beginning as far as I can remember and there the capture filter dialog had have more relevant.
But is of course it is still fantastic that it is there and you can save your favorite and maybe complicated capture filters.
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Asked: 2021-06-05 15:55:29 +0000
Seen: 1,542 times
Last updated: Jun 06 '21
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Can you expand on what you were looking for.
my point was there is a list of capture fitler by default. are they effective by default?