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Starent SNMP traps not decoded

asked 2018-02-28 21:10:31 +0000

dandreye gravatar image

updated 2018-02-28 21:58:16 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Hi All,

I tried adding text file STARENT-MIB into Wireshark by means of placing it alongside all other MIBs in snmp/mibs folder under Wireshark root and then adding SMI module STARENT-MIB (it only survives Wireshark restart when the Suppress SMI Errors checkbox is checked). Even though the definitions of my OIDs and seem to be there Wireshark doesn't decode them for some reason:

starCardSwitchoverStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { starSlotNum, starSlotNum }  
    STATUS  current
    --#SUMMARY "Card Switchover start from card %d to card %d"
    --#ARGUMENTS {0,1}
    ::= { starentTraps 1253 }
starCardSwitchoverComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { starSlotNum, starSlotNum }
    STATUS  current
    --#SUMMARY "Card Switchover completed from card %d to card %d"
    --#ARGUMENTS {0,1}
    ::= { starentTraps 1254 }

When however I compile the same MIB in Unbrowse SNMP both OIDs are decoded correctly.

What might I be doing wrong? I don't have much experience with SNMP in Wireshark, so it could be something simple..

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-02-28 22:09:56 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

The fact that you need to suppress SMI errors when loading the MIB tells me that the SMI library (SMIib) gives up loading the MIB, so won't facilitate in name resolution for these objects. Try cleaning up the MIB (you can use smilint to check) before loading it.

SMIlib is a stricter SNMP library than Net-SNMP for instance. That could explain the difference with other tools.

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Thanks for your reply (and also formatting my OID definitions earlier). Btw here's what I got when compiling this MIB using Unbrowse SNMP - apparently they're all warnings not errors:

[no path]:[0]   S01   failed to locate MIB module `IPV6-TC'
[no path]:[0]   S01   failed to locate MIB module `INET-ADDRESS-MIB'
[no path]:[0]   S01   failed to locate MIB module `RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB'
[no path]:[0]   S01   failed to locate MIB module `RADIUS-ACC-CLIENT-MIB'
C:/Users/admin/Desktop/[8507]   S01 other  parse error, expecting `LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER'
C:/Users/admin/Desktop/[8508]   S01 other  parse error
C:/Users/admin/Desktop/[14499]   S01   unknown object identifier label `radiusAuthServerIndex'
C:/Users/admin/Desktop/[14499]   S01   unknown object identifier label `radiusAuthServerAddress'
C:/Users/admin/Desktop/[14562]   S01   unknown object identifier label `radiusAccServerIndex'
C:/Users/admin/Desktop/[14562]   S01   unknown object identifier label `radiusAccServerAddress'
C:/Users ...
dandreye gravatar imagedandreye ( 2018-02-28 22:21:21 +0000 )edit

Update: works fine after finding a comma in front of a closing bracket and removing it. Thank you!

dandreye gravatar imagedandreye ( 2018-02-28 23:02:33 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2018-02-28 21:10:31 +0000

Seen: 603 times

Last updated: Feb 28 '18