Tshark -d option to format date doesn't work with -T fields
Tshark's driving me mad! I want to parse a trace and output as csv with headers and I want the date format in UTC. Instead I always get the long format like "May 20, 2020 17:34:23.241938000 Eastern Daylight Time".
My current attempt is using the following, which according to link:this post can be done with -t ud, but it doesn't affect the output. For instance:
tshark -r in.pcap -Y frame.number==1 -E header=y -E separator=',' -t ud -T fields -e frame.time
I also explored the -o gui.column.format option (which is tricky to get working in powershell, but I did). I was able to format the date properly using that method, but I didn't see a way to add comma separators or headers.
My long term goal is to dump TCP parameters so that I can import into Splunk and design charts to understand slow uploads and TCP congestion. Wireshark takes to long to chart and crashes frequently. And some a previously mentioned tool like TCP trace is archaic stating that maybe it'll work on Win2000 :) Splunk integration would also be nice because I could correlate with other log data that is already imported.
Doesn't anybody know why -d option doesn't work?
Thanks -Paul
Have you tried with the field
?Yes, that does work! How is that different than frame.time?
If you look in the Wireshark
file there is a section that defines the GUI columns:_ws.col.Time
is displaying theTime
column.Format strings for columns here or you can look in the Gui.
Right click the column header for
and selectEdit Column
.The default is
Time (format as specified)
which the-t
is stored inrecent
doesn't use.(No need to look at source for column types -
$ tshark -G column-formats