Need debugging suggestions: No longer see ethernet interfaces after upgrading Mac from 10.15.1 to 10.15.3
MacOS 10.15.3 From the Wireshark 3.2.1 Intel 64.dmg, installed wireshark and ChmodBPF.pkg
Wireshark: Version 3.2.1 (v3.2.1-0-gbf38a67724d0)
crw-rw---- 1 root access_bpf 23, 78 Feb 17 09:29 /dev/bpf*
run wireshark as my user which is in group access_bpf and as superuser, same problem.
I do not see any of the interfaces, en0, lo0, etc. Just Cisco remote capture, Random packet generator, ssh remote capture, UDP Listener remote capture.
Wireshark was working well before update. I have uninstalled Wireshark and rebooted. I am at a loss as to what to try next.
Thanks, Dave
So by
do you mean that doing
ls -l /dev/bpf*
shows a list of /dev/bpfN devices, all of which have permissions rw-rw----, an owner of root, and a group of access_bpf?What does the command
What do the commands
tcpdump -D
anddumpcap -D
print?Excellent question!
Same message from "/Applications/".
This lead me to google the error, which led me to: I apologize that my searching didn't find that before I posted.
Enabling WiFi allows tcpdump and dumpcap to see all interfaces. They disappear again when WiFil is disabled.