Unique id of a packet?
been given the task of analysing a packet, and our last question is to find out what the unique id of the posted data is in this packet. Where would i find a unique id?
been given the task of analysing a packet, and our last question is to find out what the unique id of the posted data is in this packet. Where would i find a unique id?
Ip identification field in the ip header can be used to uniquely identify the packet. This number is not globally unique however you can use this to track a packet in different packet captures file.
For example if you want to verify if one packet left from one pc and reached another. Take pcap on both pc and filter with the ip.id of the specific packet that you are looking for on both pcaps
thanks but i typed that in as an answer and it isn't correct? The exact question is "What is the unique ID that was assigned to the submitted data?"... i am confused
It sounds like they are looking for analysis of the payload data which should contain a unique id. Perhaps you should clarify the question with your professor.
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Asked: 2019-11-12 18:55:13 +0000
Seen: 8,789 times
Last updated: Nov 13 '19
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