No Ethernet Capture Option
I recently purchased a new laptop and it dosen't have an ethernet port. But I have an ethernet adapter.
When I launch wireshark I do not see an ethernet option for capturing just Adapter for loopback traffic capture and USPpcap1.
What's also interesting is I just disconnected the ethernet to see what would show up if I connect wirelessly and I still only see the two options I mentioned above, no wireless capture option.
I'm on version 3.0.6.
Any suggestions to what I can do to get the ethernet and wireless options to appear?
Thank you.
Can you post the contents of the Wireshark Help -> About Wireshark dialog. You can highlight the text with the mouse, Ctrl + C to copy it and then paste it into a comment here.
(more)So you're running on Windows using npcap 0.9983.
You've likely hit an npcap issue where the service hasn't started. From a command prompt can you type the following and then paste the output back here:
So that's an Ethernet adapter that plugs into the laptop, for example a USB Ethernet adapter?