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how to decryping WLAN traffic in Wireshark without knowing the password ??

asked 2019-10-23 17:43:08 +0000

Jojan Job gravatar image

hai all , i am a newbie to wireshark . i tried to decrypt the wifi data of a network . i dont know the actual password . so somebody please help me to solve ..

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answered 2019-10-23 19:40:27 +0000

Bob Jones gravatar image

This is kind of the whole point... you can't decrypt without the keying material. That's what helps make it secure...

There are tools to help you get keying material for 802.11 networks: Google is your friend. Look for tools like aircrack-ng, cowpatty, etc.

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Asked: 2019-10-23 17:43:08 +0000

Seen: 290 times

Last updated: Oct 23 '19