USB not working in virtualbox after usbpcap installation
Hi, I just installed Wireshark in Windows 10, which actually installed usbpcap, and I noticed that just after installation the machines in virtualbox could not recognize the USB anymore. I'm always getting the
"USB device is busy with a previous request" error. I tried the "add filter" options in virtual machine but got nothing. I tried to uninstall it and go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Class > {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}
and delete the UpperFilters reg key but also got nothing.
I re-installed it and uninstalled it again using Revo uninstaller and Ccleaner and nothing. (also removing the reg keys)
I already made a huge research and found that this BUG is VERY VERY OLD and still keeps walking in this 2018 (great job dev guys). I really don't know what else to do; I can't work on virtualbox because it can't recognize the USB ports.
I really hope somebody can help me on this. Thank you very very much in advance.
As @desowin seems to be busy doing something else since quite some ago, I'll try to reword your description of the issue to check that I've understood it properly - you have installed USBPcap on the host machine running Win10, which continues to work and use USB devices normally, but all the guest machines running in Virtualbox are unable to access USB? And you haven't created a Recovery Point before the installation, and just uninstallation of USBPcap from Win10 did not help, right?