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Decryption of TLS 1.3 was demonstrated at SharkFest'19 US by @lekensteyn and his presentation should be up on the SharkFest retrospective page after the conference, and is also available from previous SharkFest presentations.

You will need to user the pre-master secret method as TLS 1.3 doesn't support the RSA key exchange methods that were used in previous versions of TLS.

Do you have the pre-master log file? Have you configured the TSL dissector preferences to use that log file?

Decryption of TLS 1.3 was demonstrated at SharkFest'19 US by @lekensteyn and his presentation should be up on the SharkFest retrospective page after the conference, and is also available from previous SharkFest presentations.

You will need to user the pre-master secret method as TLS 1.3 doesn't support the RSA key exchange methods that were used in previous versions of TLS.

Do you have the pre-master log file? Have you configured the TSL TLS dissector preferences to use that log file?