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It's not easy. On Windows you can use an old Microsoft program called Microsoft network monitor. cellstream article You can save the file and open in wireshark. You need a wifi adapter that supports monitor mode - some do not, or not under Windows anyway. If your wifi traffic is encrypted I recommend you turn off encryption - make it an open network, while you capture messages. Otherwise, for Linux see this -- and this

It's not easy. On Windows you can use an old Microsoft program called Microsoft network monitor. cellstream article You can save the file and open in wireshark. You need a wifi adapter that supports monitor mode - some do not, or not under Windows anyway. If your wifi traffic is encrypted I recommend you turn off encryption - make it an open network, while you capture messages. Otherwise, for Linux see this -- and this

You could also try commview for wifi


it's inexpensive but doesn't support decryption and only 802.11abgn.