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Windows Control Panel System Advanced System Settings Environment Variables User variable for xxxx (Windows currrent user) create a new variable "WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" Create a value for "WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" by clicking browse and locate the local directory where you want to store the profiles. Click OK to accept the value

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Windows = Control Panel System - System Advanced System Settings - Environment Variables Variables User variable for xxxx (Windows currrent x(x is thw current Windows user) - create a new variable "WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" - Create a value for "WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" by clicking browse and locate the local directory where you want to store the profiles. Click profiles. You can also create a new folder too. -Cick OK to accept the value

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Windows = Windows

  • Control Panel - System Panel
  • System
  • Advanced System Settings - Settings
  • Environment Variables User variable Variables
  • Locate the section user variables for x(x x (x is thw the current Windows user) - create user)
  • Create a new variable WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" with the name WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR
  • -
  • Create a value for "WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR" WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR by clicking browse and locate the local directory where you want to store the profiles. You can also using browse. Locate or create a new folder too. -Cick for your Wireshark profiles.
  • Click OK to accept the value


Sorry, I don't have enough points to upload an image.


  • Control Panel
  • System
  • Advanced System Settings
  • Environment Variables
  • Locate the section user variables for x (x is the current Windows user)
  • Create a new variable with the name WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR
  • Create a value for WIRESHARK_CONFIG_DIR by using browse. Locate or create a new folder for your Wireshark profiles.
  • Click OK to accept the values.

Sorry, I don't have enough points to upload an image.