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My USB captures has over 20000 packets, each packet contains frame info and the payload. I just need to search thru the payload, when Edit->Find Packet... using hex value, say 00, it will find a lot of 00 in the frame/header area in the first packet

My USB captures has over 20000 packets, each packet contains frame info and the payload. I just need to search thru the payload, when Edit->Find Packet... using hex value, say 00, it will find a lot of 00 in the frame/header area in the first packet

For example, here is a screen capture of Wireshark:

I wish to search the area in blut, but if I use Edit->Find Packet... the red 00 in the frame/header area in the first packet

My USB captures has over 20000 packets, each packet contains frame info and the payload. I just need to search thru the payload, when Edit->Find Packet... using hex value, say 00, it will find a lot of 00 in the frame/header area in the first packet

For example, here is a screen capture of Wireshark:

I wish to search the area in blut, blue of all captured packets, but if I use Edit->Find Packet... to find 00, the red 00 in the frame/header area in the first packet