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initial version

Bittwist will, if not run with the -m, -r, or -p flag, inject packets from a trace file based on the captured intervals, in particular, the time- stamp difference between two adjacent packets, except for the first packet in a trace file, which is always injected immediately.

With only one packet in the capture file, there is no interval to be adjusted.

A quick look at the code doesn't show any support for a loop interval:

    if (loop > 0) {
        while (loop--) {
            for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) /* for each trace file */
                send_packets(device, argv[i]);
    /* send infinitely if loop <= 0 until user Control-C */
    else {
        while (1) {
            for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
                send_packets(device, argv[i]);