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the pcap can contain any number of concurrent streams and/or codecs, the command line can specify multiple pcaps, each stream can create child channels (per RFC8108)

the The pcap can contain any number of multiple concurrent streams and/or codecs, the command line can specify multiple pcaps, each stream can create child channels (per RFC8108)RFC8108). Output wav files are generated for each stream and optionally for "merged audio" of all streams.

.sdp files can be used to override codec auto-detection and/or select only specific streams

The pcap can contain multiple concurrent streams and/or codecs, the command line can specify multiple pcaps, each stream can create child channels (per RFC8108). Output wav files are generated for each stream and optionally for "merged audio" of all streams.

.sdp files can be used to override codec auto-detection and/or select only specific streams

this tool has a Docker container and example pcaps