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The -E separator sets the separator and the default is a tab.
The -E aggregator is used when grouping a field. The default value is a comma, which can be altered too.

Personally I would use -E "separator=;" (note: quoted to avoid shell interpretation) and leave the aggregator as is. Most applications (e.g. Excel) will import this just as easy and avoids decimal point issues in different languages.

The -E separator sets the separator and the default is a tab.
The -E aggregator is used when grouping a field. The default value is a comma, which can be altered too.

Personally I would use -E "separator=;" (note: quoted to avoid shell interpretation) and leave the aggregator as is. Most applications (e.g. Excel) will import this just as easy and avoids decimal point issues in different languages.

You can also use -E quote=d to force quoting all fields, in case some contains a separator or an aggregator character.