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60 Points needed to upload a picture. I do not have that yet.

If you wanted to upload a screenshot showing the text you pasted, then it's a Very Good Thing that you don't have 60 points, because it forced you to paste it as text; text is easier to read, and it's possible to select and copy text from it and paste it elsewhere. Even if you do eventually get 60 points, please just paste text rather than screenshots or other pictures whenever possible.

In the preview this looks like it is all jumbled together, but in my view of it as I have copied and pasted, it is not that way. Sorry, I cannot straighten it out.

Just put four additional blanks at the beginning of every line (even lines that already have four or more blanks, so that the lines are all indented by the same amount); that forces it to be shown as preformatted text.

This is an Android device and I'm on Windows 10

There's no Android device traffic there. The text you show is for traffic captured on the Windows 10 machine, and it's captured on the loopback interface, meaning it's not traffic that has gone over any network interface on your Windows machine, it's traffic sent from one process on your Windows machine to another process on the same machine, to the "loopback address"

As Google - or whatever part of Alphabet now owns Android - says:

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. It is a client-server program that includes three components:

  • A client, which sends commands. The client runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a command-line terminal by issuing an adb command.
  • A daemon (adbd), which runs commands on a device. The daemon runs as a background process on each device.
  • A server, which manages communication between the client and the daemon. The server runs as a background process on your development machine.

The traffic you're capturing is probably the client tried to connect to the server (the initial SYN) and the server responding to that attempt by rejecting it (the responding RST). There's no traffic in that capture between the Android device and the server, as that traffic would go over a LAN interface on your Windows machine, and would show up in a capture on that interface, not on the loopback interface.

So port 5037 is active on the loopback interface because you're using adb on your Windows machine.