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I figured it out. Apparently the ESP32 did not respond to ARP requests, and only periodically did an ARP broadcast. With the correct filters it was clear that windows asked the ESP directly 3 times if it had the IP address, then it did broadcast the request 3 times on the interface and then switched to the default gateway, which appeared as windows suddenly not answering incoming packets.

The solution was to turn on power safe mode in the ESP.

I figured it out. Apparently the ESP32 did not respond to ARP requests, and only periodically did an ARP broadcast. With the correct filters it was clear that windows asked the ESP directly 3 times if it had the IP address, then it did broadcast the request 3 times on the interface and then switched to the default gateway, which appeared as windows suddenly not answering incoming packets.

The solution was to turn on off power safe mode in the ESP.